Epilepsy Bracelets can save your life in seconds

Bracelet help: Beginners Overview
To say more: ID Abbreviations
You can't speak during seizures so your ID tag tells first responders what to do.
Your plate might read:
ICE 888-888-8888
Avoid unnecessary 911 calls. Because some seizures only last a short time and are not life threatening, Your plate might be:
See more ID Abbreviation
Epilepsy Bracelets speak when you're speechless

Epilepsy Basics
Epilepsy is a chronic disease involving recurrent unprovoked seizures. It currently affects almost 4 million Americans. Epilepsy has many different symptoms caused by what is sometimes called “electrical storms” in the brain. These “storms” can affect one side of the brain or the other.
Generalized Onset Seizures
Focal Onset Seizures
Unknown Onset Seizures
What causes epilepsy?
The brain's electrical disorder can affect physical or mental reactions. Epilepsy is usually caused by brain injury from trauma, stroke, disease, tumors, genetics or birth defects. There could even be some combination that caused this condition.
The above risk factors can develop epilepsy in both children and adults. It can happen in a baby with abnormal brain growth. It can happen in the prime of life. It can happen late in life with brain injury.
No known cause can be determined for some people since the injury to the brain has left no trace.
About 7 out of 10 people with epilepsy are treated successfully using drug therapy to control seizures.
The world's largest selection of custom sized Epilepsy bracelets
With over 200 styles to choose from, you no longer need to be embarrassed with an ugly epilepsy medical bracelet.
Choose from stylish stainless steel, to elegant Gold and Silver chains. Now you'll be proud to wear a fashionable medical bracelet that no longer looks like something your dog would wear.
Need more help selecting the right custom style, how to size, and organize medical info: See Beginners Guide Overview and Custom Sizing.
Include all epilepsy issues along with critical meds so emergency responders treat the correct problem—especially if you're unconscious or unable to speak.
Also see: Epilepsy Foundation,
Johns Hopkins Medicine. Mayo Clinic